Monday, August 8, 2011

Able to Laugh Again As He Would Want - Long 3yrs

Remember him with LAUGHTER not TEARS! (lesson from Mama)

Eulogy that our daughters wrote for their Dad.
Created by Jenny Dutcher-Farha, Heather Dutcher-Spencer, Sarah Dutcher

Eulogy read on August 10, 2008 at the Trisagion for John Robert Dutcher

October 13, 1953 – August 8, 2008

Father Constantine, Fr. Jeremy, and all the beautiful family of my Dad.

A few weeks ago, I was struggling with the fact that my daughter would never face-to-face meet a man that was such a dear friend to me and was beloved by so many. The faith and love that he spread couldn’t just stop. It wouldn’t be right. So I started writing. My sisters joined me and together we recognized that his memory will never stop as long as we remember and act on the things I am about to tell you next. Feel free to add your own to this list as I am sure all of you have your own gems you have taken from knowing my Dad.

This is what we have learned from our Dad….

If the signs at Disney World tell you that you that you are too sick to go on the rides…ride them anyway.

How to make chocolate chip cookies.

Always buy the biggest fireworks they have.

How to fly a kite and do amazing tricks with it.

It takes two to save the Earth…when playing Space Invaders.

Freckles can definitely look cool. So can being bald.

When you hear the theme from Jaws on the piano…RUN.

Try to answer the phone, “Howdy.”

Your early 50’s should ALWAYS involve a Harley.

Sharing a bathroom with 4 women is not fun or easy.

There is no such thing as a small bowl of ice cream.

Put as many Christmas lights on your house as possible. Griswold is a great nickname.

Oreos are the best cookies in the world.

Watch National Geographic and NOVA.

The Space Exploration in the 60’s was the best time in American history.

Tornados are to be videotaped, not feared.

Dogs are a member of the family.

Special occasions and big days call for doughnuts with sprinkles with heart-shaped ones on Valentine’s Day.

Chicago is beautiful at Christmas.

Thanksgiving turkeys are best when fried.

Name brands are always worth a couple extra pennies.

When your daughter asks for $5, give her $20.

Take your daughter to work with you.

Daddy gets his OWN bag of candy corn at Halloween.

Jurassic Park is better with the surround-sound on.

How to hang on tight to a motorcycle.

You are never too young for power tools, but

you are never too old to play dress-up with your kids or grandkids.

The secret to grilling kafta, chicken, and steak at the same time without burning anything.

It’s not over until Dad says it’s over.

The love of music and the love of literature.

Work really hard for something you really want, and work with your hands. If you can fix it yourself…than fix it.

Garden. It’s good for the soul.

Wax your car once a year and wash your windows way more than that.

ET phoned home and so should you.

Watch the weather.

There should always be laughter at the dinner table.

Snow is never an excuse to miss church.

Be hospitable, be creative, and don’t be ugly.

The middle child isn’t cursed. They are BLESSED.

Everyone should know how to hook up their electronics themselves.

Love carpentry and learn to stain wood.

Be a duck and let it all roll off your back.

Life is too short to be little.

These last few are critical ones that needed less words and he lived daily…

Serve behind the altar if you are a boy. Serve others if you are a girl.

Icons should be in every room.

Keep a list of people to pray for.

You STAND to say prayers for dinner, you KNEEL to say prayers before bed.

God gives us what we need.

Always turn to Christ first.

Holy Week is the most beautiful time of the year.

Don’t be afraid of the unknown.

In life…be happy more than you are sad.


And finally . . . through the past 8 months, my father would sign all of his texts and emails with the thing I think he wanted us to remember most,

“Dad loves his girls.”

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